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The Power of Perspective

Kristin Greco, CEO of PAR
Person reflecting on lake view looking at the surroundings

Balancing the demands of work and life requires showing up as my best self every day. We all encounter responsibilities that can feel overwhelming, but I've discovered that perspective is a powerful tool for both well-being and success. A small shift in perspective can provide the clarity and strength needed to be fully present in any situation. 

Whether leading a team or tackling daily tasks, this shift can have a profound impact. When challenges arise, I encourage my leadership team to seek my guidance. These conversations not only help us navigate obstacles but also give us an opportunity to share perspectives, to foster connection, collaboration, and growth. 

When daily moments get challenging, I remind myself of the key aspects of my life for which I am grateful: my health, my family, the remarkable individuals with whom I work, and the basic comforts of life. It’s easy to become consumed by immediate demands, but when we take a step back to acknowledge the broader context of our experiences, we can reframe our challenges and diminish their weight and significance.  

In whatever role we are in, it is this shift in perspective that influences how we respond to difficulties and transforms how we show up for our teams and families.  

Recognizing the power of perspective is essential, and it’s something we all have the ability to control. While developing this essential mindset takes consistent practice and effort, the rewards are immense.  

Here are ten techniques that can help you and those around you harness the power of perspective: 

10 Techniques to Gain and Harness Perspective 

  1. Cultivate Gratitude Daily: Start or end your day by acknowledging three things you are thankful for. This practice shifts your focus from challenges to the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of appreciation and well-being. 

  2. Seek Diverse Viewpoints: Encourage input from team members and colleagues with different backgrounds and perspectives. Engaging with diverse voices can challenge your assumptions and deepen your understanding of various situations. 

  3. Take a Step Back: When encountering a challenge, pause to objectively assess the situation. Consider the long-term significance of the issue, which can help reduce immediate stress and emotional overwhelm. 

  4. Volunteer Locally: Get involved with community organizations or service projects. This experience not only provides valuable insights into others' challenges but also shifts your focus outward, fostering a service-oriented mindset. 

  5. Embrace Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness, meditation, or breathing techniques into your daily routine. These practices cultivate calm and clarity, enabling you to approach challenges with a clear and focused mind. 

  6. Zoom Out: Incorporate activities into your life that provide a broad perspective and viewpoint – exposure to the vastness of this world and all that Mother Nature has to offer. This can provide a sense of scale of life. 

  7. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with trusted sounding boards. Sharing experiences and seeking advice from other people can provide fresh perspectives and invaluable support. 

  8. Minimize Negative Influences: Be mindful of the media and information you consume. Limiting exposure to negativity helps maintain a positive and constructive mindset.

  9. Engage in Creative Activities: Pursue hobbies or creative outlets that allow for self-expression. These activities can foster a sense of freedom and openness, encouraging new perspectives and innovative thinking. 

  10. Regularly Reevaluate Goals: Set aside time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Ensure they align with your values and priorities, allowing you to adjust your perspective and focus on what truly matters. 

By incorporating these ten techniques into your approach to life, you can cultivate a powerful perspective that enables you to navigate challenges with resilience and clarity.  

Let’s embrace the power of perspective and continue to lift one another on our journeys.  

Chief Executive Officer, Kristin Greco

Meet the Author

Kristin Greco, CEO of PAR