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How PAR is Paying It Forward on Behalf of Our Customers


Be kind, do good. These four words are more than just a slogan for us here at PAR; they’re a way of life. We embody our core values in everything that we do, and one way we do so is with our annual Pay It Forward campaign. Now in its 11th year, this program asks our customers to choose from four charitable organizations and vote for the one that they feel is the most deserving. We then donate $5,000 on behalf of our customers to the organization that receives the most votes. We think of it as a token of our appreciation for the providers we serve with our products, as their services and support truly help to change lives for the better.

This year, the four charities selected for the Pay It Forward campaign were:

  • Living Beyond Breast Cancer
  • The Carter Center
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

About this year’s winning organization, NAMI

The winner of this year’s Pay It Forward campaign is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the country’s largest grassroots mental health organization. With an alliance that includes more than 700 state organizations and affiliates, NAMI is dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. With the help of donations and volunteers, this charity strives to educate, advocate, support, listen, and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones. By working directly in local communities across the nation, NAMI is raising awareness about mental health and providing key resources to those in need—a mission that is close to our hearts here at PAR.

The importance of paying it forward

We make our annual donation for the Pay It Forward campaign as a form of thanks to our customers for supporting us throughout the last year, as well as for the work that they do in the mental health field. We know that changing lives starts small, and the Pay It Forward campaign helps to show that. We’re proud to have run this campaign again in 2024, and we’re excited to see the good that our donation—and the kindness of our customers—can do for an outstanding organization like NAMI.