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Product and Qualification Level Information 

We’ve compiled helpful information about our quality products and the qualification levels needed to purchase them.

Qualification Level Information

What are the qualification level guidelines?

In accordance with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and PAR's competency-based qualification guidelines, many tests and materials sold by PAR are available only to those professionals who are appropriately trained to administer, score, and interpret psychological tests. Eligibility to purchase restricted materials is determined on the basis of training, education, and experience.

To assist in determining eligibility to purchase, we have a process in place for establishing a customer's qualification level. In addition, all products sold by PAR have a designated qualification level to assist the customer in determining which products he or she is able to purchase. This qualification level is listed on each product page.

As a new customer, you may establish your qualification level with PAR by doing one of the following:

Because many products sold by PAR are available only to appropriately trained professionals, it is important that the person using the test is qualified at PAR. We realize that purchasing agents and assistants often order on behalf of qualified professionals and we can accommodate this easily in the following ways.

  • Have the qualified professional who will be using/supervising the use of the materials register on our website. After registering, he or she will have the option to add you as an assistant/purchasing agent through the My Account page.
  • If you believe the qualified professional has already registered with PAR, call 1.800.331.8378 to allow us to search our records.
  • If you only want pricing information, it is not necessary to register. Simply add the items to your cart and select the "Quick Order Form" at the bottom of the shopping cart page. 

What are PAR's qualification levels?

Qualification Level: A

No special qualifications are required, although the range of products eligible for purchase is limited. Can purchase only Level A products.

Qualification Level: S

A degree, certificate, or license to practice in a health care profession or occupation, including (but not limited to) the following: medicine, neurology, nursing, occupational therapy and other allied health care professions, physician's assistants, psychiatry, social work; plus appropriate training and experience in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical behavioral assessment instruments. Can purchase Level A and S products.

Qualification Level: B

A degree from an accredited 4-year college or university in psychology, counseling, speech-language pathology, or a closely related field plus satisfactory completion of coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics and measurement theory, educational statistics, or a closely related area; or license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests. Can purchase Level A, S, and B products.

Qualification Level: C

All qualifications for level B plus an advanced professional degree that provides appropriate training in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests, or license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests. Can purchase all products available from PAR.

Healthcare Providers

Certain healthcare providers may be eligible to purchase selected level B and C instruments within their area of expertise. Specifically, relevant supervised clinical experience using tests (i.e., internship, residency) in combination with formal coursework (i.e., tests and measurement, individual assessment, or equivalent) qualifies a healthcare provider to purchase certain restricted products.

If you are not already qualified to purchase a Level B or C product from PAR, please download and complete the special Qualification Form for Medical and Allied Health Professionals. (You will need  Adobe Acrobat to view.)

How can I change my qualification level?   

If you have received licensure from an appropriate agency or have additional training and experience that meets the requirements of a higher qualification level, you may update your qualification level in two ways.   

If you are registered on our website, please log in. Once you are signed in, click on Update Qualifications on the right of the page in the PAR Shopping Cart to supply us with your additional information.   

If you are not currently registered on our website, you may send your update request directly to Customer Support. Be sure to include your current PAR Customer Number and all relevant information about your additional credentials. 

Product FAQs

We've compiled helpful information about many aspects of the products we offer. 

Can anyone purchase materials from PAR?    

Each product listed in our online and print catalogs has an assigned Customer Qualification Level. Eligibility to purchase restricted materials is determined on the basis of education, training, and experience. For more information about our qualification process, please see the Qualification Levels section of this website or register.

Where can I obtain additional information about one of your products?   

Our website provides a general description of each of the products we sell. Most product pages also include a resource section with additional information on that product. The best source for detailed information about product development, administration, scoring procedures, and psychometric qualities is the Professional Manual for that product.  

Are foreign language versions of any PAR products available?   

Published foreign language versions of several PAR products are available commercially. We also have other translations available through our Permission Request form.  

Where can I find more detailed information about the psychometric properties of a specific product listed on this website?   

Our website features a product page for each of the products we sell that provides a general description of each product. Most product pages also include a resource section with more in-depth information about that product. The best source for detailed information about product development, administration, scoring procedures, and psychometric qualities is the Professional Manual for that product.   

Do any non-U.S. companies distribute PAR products?   

Yes, there are many companies that distribute selected PAR products in other countries.    
The following are some of the companies that distribute PAR products outside the U.S.:   
We encourage you to consult our distributors’ websites for the availability and pricing of the products you are interested in; then consider the impact of shipping costs, local duties, and taxes to determine the best source for your purchase. Additional distributors are available in other countries.

Does PAR offer workshops on the appropriate uses of any of its products?   

PAR offers digital training on many of our products through PAR Training and our PARtalks webinars. Not registered? Register now!   

How can I help PAR develop new products?   

For information about publishing opportunities with PAR or about becoming a data collector or field tester for one of our upcoming product releases, please refer to the Data Collections page.

Copyright, Trademark, & Permission Information

May I photocopy one of your products for use in my research or graduate coursework?

PAR encourages the use of our proprietary tests in research projects. However, we do require that a formal written permission agreement be obtained from PAR prior to beginning the work if a modified version (including translations or use of tables, graphs, and/or text from the professional manual) or only a portion of the test is needed.

  • PAR will not grant permission to include an entire test or scale in any publication, including dissertations and theses. However, inclusion of a few sample items may be approved.
  • A per-copy royalty fee will be charged for all permissions granted. This fee is prorated based on the total amount of material you are using. A permissions fee will be charged for reproduction of tables, charts, graphs, or other materials to be included in other publications.   
  • Payment can be made in U.S. funds via check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.   

If you are interested in requesting permission to use a modified form or portion of a test, please visit our Permissions and Licensing page or complete our Permission Request Form.

Are all products listed on your website published by PAR?

Not all products sold on our website are published by PAR. Products not published by PAR will have the following notation on the product’s webpage:

Note: This product is not published by PAR, therefore the Training Program and Graduate Student discounts cannot be applied to these items. In addition, these items are not available for licensing.

All materials on this website are protected by copyright. This applies to website information and testing products and their components (including quoted material found in manuals, books, or brochures). Submitting a completed PAR Qualification Form and/or placing an order to purchase materials from PAR implies your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

All trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks appearing on the PAR website are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

Do I need to request special permission to use a PAR-published product?

If you plan to modify or use only part of a test, written permission is required before using any PAR proprietary material. Written permission is required prior to:
  • Using a translation. All of our translations have been approved. Back-translations have been conducted by an individual unfamiliar with the English version of the test and the back-translation has been forwarded to the author/PAR for review and approval.    
  • Using any part of a test;    
  • Using a modified format of a test;    
  • Translating a test into a language in which it is not currently available;    
  • Including a few sample items or other materials (i.e., tables, charts, graphs) in a publication or appendix of a dissertation or thesis. PAR will not grant permission to include an entire test or scale in any publication, including dissertations and theses.   
To request permission, please complete the appropriate Permission Request Form.
If you plan to use a test in its entirety, you must purchase the published version of the test. Copyright restrictions prohibit the photocopying of any materials purchased from PAR

How do I request permission to use a modified version or a translation of a PAR product?

If you wish to use a modified version (including translations, modified format, use of tables, graphs, or text from a professional manual) of a PAR product, please download and complete the Permission Request Form. The completed form can be submitted to for processing. Upon submission of a completed form, your request will be reviewed and we will contact you within 3-4 business days with instructions and information regarding associated costs.

To view more information and to find the Permission Request Form, visit our Permissions and Licensing page.

When obtaining permission to use a modified/translated version of an instrument, it is recommended that you also purchase the professional manual for the English version so you will have the scoring and interpretive guidelines. You can also request a sample copy of the published test protocol at no additional charge with the purchase of the manual.

How do I request permission to use a PAR assessment in an online format?

If you wish to administer a PAR product online, please download and complete the Permission Request Form. The completed form can be submitted to for processing. Upon submission of a completed form, your request will be reviewed and we will contact you within 3-4 business days with instructions and information regarding associated costs.
When obtaining permission to use a modified/translated version of an instrument online, it is required that you also purchase the professional manual for the English version so that you will have the scoring and interpretive guidelines. You can also request a sample copy of the published test protocol at no additional charge with the purchase of the manual.

What is PAR's position on the disclosure of my patient's data and/or results from your copyrighted test materials to nonqualified individuals?

PAR's position is that customers may not release copyrighted and confidential material to individuals not professionally qualified to obtain, review, and/or interpret them. PAR's instruments are trade secrets and protected by intellectual property laws including copyright and trade secret laws. Their usefulness and validity would be greatly compromised if they were available to the general public.

We realize that clinicians are often called upon to provide test data and/or results from our assessments for legal purposes, possibly requested by opposing counsel, judges, or the patient himself/herself. In addition, many clinicians contact us with concerns that they will be asked to provide test data to patients in order to comply with the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Download the official statement from PAR that addresses these concerns.

What is PAR’s position on the disclosure of test items or protocols, photocopying of any proprietary PAR test materials, trade secrets, copyright/fair use, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the ethical considerations and possible litigation related to PAR’s assessments?

Please refer to this information to read the official position of PAR regarding the release and/or photocopying of test materials.