Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory–Revised



Measures conduct problems


Sheila Eyberg, PhD; Professional Manual by Sheila Eyberg, PhD, and Donna Pincus, MA

Administration Formats


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At Home and in School, Distinguish Common Behavior Problems from Conduct-disordered Behavior

The ECBI and the SESBI-R are comprehensive, behaviorally specific rating scales that assess the frequency and severity of disruptive behaviors in the home and school settings, as well as the extent to which parents and/or teachers find the behavior troublesome. By evaluating the variety and frequency of behaviors commonly exhibited by all children, the instrument distinguishes normal behavior problems from conduct-disordered behavior in children and adolescents.

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  • The ECBI and SESBI-R are companion behavioral rating scales for children ages 2 to 16 years.
  • Measures identify conduct problems such as noncompliance, defiance, aggressiveness, and impulsiveness.
  • When used together, the measures provide clinicians with information that is useful in the identification and treatment of conduct-disordered behaviors including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD).
  • Contains items that are non-age-specific and common in all children.

 Features and benefits

  • Evaluates in relevant environments. The ECBI is designed for completion by parents and assesses the child’s or adolescent’s behavior at home; the SESBI-R is designed for completion by teachers and assesses the child’s or adolescent’s behavior at school.
  • Widely generalizable. Both instruments contain items that represent common behaviors in all children. Plus, items are non-age-specific, ensuring commensurate results regardless of age.
  • Simple, fast scoring. ECBI and SESBI-R scores can be quickly and easily computed by hand in about 5 minutes each. The ECBI Score Report includes item response descriptions, see the resources tab for a sample of the revised ECBI score report. 
  • Versatile administration. Completion of each rating sheet requires a 6th-grade reading level. Both instruments also are suitable for group administration or for administration via telephone.
  • Provides supplemental information. Because they measure both the frequency of each problem behavior and the parent’s or teacher’s reaction to the child’s behavior, the ECBI and SESBI-R may provide additional insights into areas of the adult–child interaction that should be addressed.
  • Allows for easy progress monitoring. A 7-point Intensity scale and a yes-or-no Problem scale are used on both instruments; a cutoff score that spans all ages is also provided, facilitating longitudinal measurement of treatment progress and evaluation of the long-term effects of treatment.

Available in Spanish

ECBI and SESBI-R Test Sheets have been translated into U.S. Spanish. This product uses English norms only. Spanish language i-Admins for both the ECBI and the SESBI-R are available on PARiConnect.

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Photo of Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory ™  and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory–Revised ™
Age Range 2 years to 16 years
Admin Time 5 minutes; 5 minutes to score
Qualification Level B

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ECBI/SESBI-R Introductory Kit

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What is the technical information for the ECBI™ and SESBI-R™?

Administration and scoring 

  • The ECBI is completed by the parent and assesses the child’s behavior at home. It includes 36 items that assess typical problems reported by parents of conduct-disordered children. Items are rated on intensity and problem scales.
  • The SESBI-R is completed by the child’s teacher and assesses behavior at school. It includes 38 items that are rated on intensity and problem scales.
  • Administer and immediately generate reports online via PARiConnect.  Or you may administer using paper and then hand score. 
  • Individual or group administration.
  • Spanish forms are available through PAR, and translations in 21 other languages, including Chinese, Japanese, German, Russian, are available by request.

Test materials

  • Professional Manual
  • Appropriate ECBI or SESBI-R inventory test sheet

 Reliability, validity, and norms

  • The normative sample (N = 798) included children from a range of ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, including urban, rural, and suburban environments.
  • Norms for chronically ill children (N = 345) and children with developmental disabilities (N = 167) are also reported. 
  • A single set of non-age-specific items with a constant cutoff score across ages 2 to 16 years allows confidence in longitudinal measurement.
  • Both tests demonstrate high internal consistency, high test-retest reliability, and high interrater reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity.
  • The SESBI-R Intensity and Problem scales demonstrated high internal consistency (Intensity scale, .98; Problem scale, .96) and high test-retest reliability, as well as convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity.
  • Both measures are sensitive to changes that can occur during treatment.