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Why You Need PARiConnect for Your Research Study


PARiConnect, our online assessment platform, can help you expand your reach when doing research! 

Expand your geographic reach

By using PARiConnect, our digital assessment platform, you can email HIPAA compliant links directly to research participants. This enables you to complete research assessments online, expanding your geographic reach to areas you may not be able to use otherwise. This also allows you easier access to observer and collateral research data without requiring additional individuals to make the trip to your data collection site.

Reduce unused assessment costs

If you email an assessment link to a participant who decides not to complete it, PARiConnect allows you to easily revoke the link and reuse that assessment with another participant. You won't have to pay for an unused assessment like you might with a paper form, saving you money typically lost on unused assessments.

Improve data integrity 

When participants enter their own data online, it reduces the time needed for data entry and reduces the possibility of data entry errors. PARiConnect offers settings to prevent skipping questions, so you can reduce the risk of missing data. Furthermore, you can review completion time to be sure your participants put forth appropriate effort. This can reduce the amount of time and energy needed to enter and check data, freeing up your financial and physical resources for other tasks. 

Integrate efficiently with your work

The PARiConnect system allows you to download item-level assessment data to a CSV Excel spreadsheet that is formatted to integrate with statistics software such as SPSS for ease of data processing and analyzation. 

Let PARiConnect help you increase your geographic reach, expand your subject numbers, reduce attrition, lower assessment and travel costs, and decrease the burden of data collection.

Learn more about PARiConnect today! 

Need assistance selecting assessments for your research? Assessment advisors can consult with you about all the ways PAR can help!

Check out this video on using PAR assessments in research settings. Learn more about PAR's training and research discounts!

data collection online assessment