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Assess Written Language Disorders With the FAW


Students spend nearly 60% of their school day engaged in the process of written expression. Deficits in the writing process can wreak havoc on students' education. The Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW) examines the underlying processes that support proficient written language skills. In addition to identifying the possibility of dysgraphia, the FAW is able to determine the specific subtype of dysgraphia. And now, clinicians can save time and effort by scoring the FAW on PARiConnect.

What is the FAW?

The Feifer Assessment of Writing (FAW)is a diagnostic achievement test designed to examine the underlying cognitive, motoric, and linguistic processes that support proficient written language skills.

It is the third and final member of the Feifer family of diagnostic achievement test batteries, joining the Feifer Assessment of Reading (FAR)and the Feifer Assessment of Mathematics (FAM)

Results of the FAW help specify, from a neuropsychological perspective, exactly why a student struggles with written language so clinicians can develop appropriate, customized interventions. It also provides additional information about a student's writing skills that allow users to dig deeper into a student's abilities.

A screening form is also available, ideal for identifying children at risk for developmental dysgraphia within a multitiered system of support service delivery model.

Scoring now available on PARiConnect

PARiConnect automatically provides scores and profiles based on response data from a paper-and-pencil assessment of the FAW. Standard scores, index standard scores, percentile ranks, and score ranges are generated based on raw score inputs. PARiConnect calculates index and subtest discrepancy scores and their base rates and provides some interpretive text to help clinicians plan appropriate next steps. A reliable change report can be generated if the FAW has been administered to the same examinee more than once.

Learn more!

online scoring dysgraphia written language